
Professor Denny Indrayana is the founder and Senior Partner of INTEGRITY Law Firm in Jakarta, Indonesia and INTEGRITY Lawyers in Melbourne, Australia. With 600 publications and practicing offices in two countries, Mr. Indrayana’s international reach can be attributed to more than 20 years of his legal experience, his background in studying and lecturing in renowned international universities (Indonesia, Australia and the USA) and his campaigns where he was subsequently appointed to work directly with the President of Indonesia.

Professor Indrayana obtained his Bachelor’s degree in 1995 from Universitas Gadjah Mada and his Master’s degree in 1997 from the University of Minnesota in the United States. In 2005, he received his PhD from the Melbourne University Law School. In 2010, he returned to Universitas Gadjah Mada to obtain the title of Professor in Constitutional Law. Between 2016 and 2019, he lectured at Melbourne University as a visiting professor and was appointed Associate Director of the Centre for Indonesia Law, Islam, and Society (CILIS) at the Faculty of Law.

Over the course of his career, Professor Indrayana actively campaigned against judicial mafia and corruption. Between 2008 and 2014, he served as a high-level public official from a President’s Yudhoyono Special Advisor for Law, Human Rights and Anti-Corruption to the cabinet serving as a Deputy Minister for Justice and Human Rights. For his service and dedication to the law enforcement and anticorruption campaign in the country, he was awarded by the President the high honour of the Mahaputra Utama Star (equivalent to Officer of the Order of Australia) in 2014.

Tulisan Terbaru

Mahkamah Konstitusi, Pilpres 2024, dan “Kentut Inkonstitusional” Presiden Jokowi

Sebelum lebih jauh menulis, saya berkewajiban dan berutang untuk menjelaskan kenapa menggunakan frasa, “kentut inkonstitusional” dalam tulisan ini. Bukan hal mudah bagi saya untuk menuliskan frasa tersebut, terutama karena sopan-santun dan rasa bahasa yang tidak nyaman untuk dibaca. Tetapi, melalui pertimbangan yang mendalam, akhirnya saya tetap menggunakan frasa itu, karena beberapa alasan.

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Dirty Vote, Cawe-Cawe Jokowi, dan Bahaya Penolakan Hasil Pilpres 2024

Film Dirty Vote yang disutradarai Dhandy Laksono, yang diperankan tiga ahli hukum tata negara, Bivitri Susanti, Feri Amsari, dan Zainal Arifin Mochtar sedang viral serta menjadi perbincangan. Izinkan saya menyampaikan urun rembug, dan ikut mendorong diskusi publik yang lebih mendidik. Paling tidak, tawaran diskusi ini adalah cara saya memberi proteksi terhadap para pelaku pembuatan film tersebut. Karena langkah proteksi dari kriminalisasi, saat ini juga penting, bukan hanya apresiasi, apalagi caci-maki.

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